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News and Views

News and Views

Addressing Concerns About Lead and Cadmium in Chocolate

Addressing Concerns About Lead and Cadmium in Chocolate

In recent months, media coverage has raised concerns about lead and cadmium levels in chocolate, leaving many consumers wondering about the safety of their favourite treats.

In this article, we’ll break down the facts about heavy metals in chocolate, explain how we ensure our products meet the highest safety standards, and reassure our customers that Wild Mountain Chocolate remains a safe and delicious choice.

Wild Mountain Chocolate Stories. Glen Davies: The Man Behind the Chocolate!

Wild Mountain Chocolate Stories.  Glen Davies:  The Man Behind the Chocolate!

Launched only last year at the first Invermere farmers’ market of the 2017 season, our superior quality, ethical production, and innovative streamlining, is making a pretty big ol' ooey gooey chocolate mark – and quickly! – on the region and the rapidly emerging bean to bar methodology of chocolate making.

New Product Launch: Caffe Mocha Bar!

New Product Launch:  Caffe Mocha Bar!

If you were at the most recent Invermere Farmer's Market chances are you've already seen – or tasted!! – this delectable new introduction to our ro...