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News and Views

News and Views

Lead and Cadmium in Chocolate

There has been lot of media attention on the level of lead and cadmium in chocolate since December when a US consumer reports organization released a report on their investigation on the level of lead and cadmium in chocolate.  Various media outlets have picked up on the story with the latest being CBC who published a balanced article on the topic on February 13, 2023.  We wish to address any concerns our customers may have about heavy metals in Wild Mountain Chocolate’s products.

Infusing with Nibs

Infusing with Nibs

With the cooler days and nights our thoughts have turned to warm and cozy and spending some time in the kitchen.  Always looking for new and creati...

Wild Mountain Chocolate Stories. Glen Davies: The Man Behind the Chocolate!

Wild Mountain Chocolate Stories.  Glen Davies:  The Man Behind the Chocolate!

Launched only last year at the first Invermere farmers’ market of the 2017 season, our superior quality, ethical production, and innovative streamlining, is making a pretty big ol' ooey gooey chocolate mark – and quickly! – on the region and the rapidly emerging bean to bar methodology of chocolate making.

New Product Launch: Caffe Mocha Bar!

New Product Launch:  Caffe Mocha Bar!

If you were at the most recent Invermere Farmer's Market chances are you've already seen – or tasted!! – this delectable new introduction to our ro...